apogee - definitie. Wat is apogee
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Wat (wie) is apogee - definitie

Aphelion; Apogee; Perihelion and aphelion; Perigee; Apoapsis; Apsides; Apolune; Perilune; Periapsis; Apojove; Perijove; Pericenter; Apocenter; Perizene; Periastron; Perimelasma; Perihermion; Pericytherion; Periselene; Periareion; Perikrone; Periuranion; Periposeidion; Perihadion; Apastron; Apomelasma; Aphermion; Apocytherion; Aposelene; Apoareion; Apozene; Apokrone; Apuranion; Apoposeidion; Aphadion; Periapsis distance; Apoapsis distance; Apoastron; Apapsis; Perihelia; Apihelion; Perinigricon; Aponigricon; Apocynthion; Periapse; Apogeum; Perigeum; Periphelion; Perigalacticon; Perigree; Closest approach; Galacticon; Perihelion distance; Apoapse; Apo-apsis; Perihelion; Perigalactic; Apogalactic; Aphelion and perihelion; Peribothron; Apobothron; Periselenum; Aphelion distance; Pericentre; Cynth; Closest Approach; Terran perihelion
  • periapsis
 }}____________________________________<br /> For example, the Moon's two apsides are the farthest point, ''apogee'', and the nearest point, ''perigee'',  of its orbit around the host Earth. The Earth's two apsides are the farthest point, ''aphelion'', and the nearest point, ''perihelion'', of its orbit around the host Sun. The terms ''aphelion'' and ''perihelion'' apply in the same way to the orbits of  Jupiter and the other planets, the comets, and the asteroids of the [[Solar System]].
  • Diagram of a body's direct [[orbit]] around the [[Sun]] with its nearest (perihelion) and  farthest (aphelion) points.

·noun Fig.: The farthest or highest point; culmination.
II. Apogee ·noun That point in the orbit of the moon which is at the greatest distance from the earth.
The apogee of something such as a culture or a business is its highest or its greatest point. (FORMAL)
= peak
N-SING: with supp
¦ noun
1. the culmination or climax of something.
2. Astronomy the point in the orbit of the moon or a satellite at which it is furthest from the earth. The opposite of perigee.
C16: from Fr. apogee or mod. L. apogaeum, from Gk apogaion (diastema), '(distance) away from earth'.



An apsis (from Ancient Greek ἁψίς (hapsís) 'arch, vault'; PL apsides AP-sih-deez) is the farthest or nearest point in the orbit of a planetary body about its primary body. For example, for orbits about the Sun the apsides are called aphelion (farthest) and perihelion (nearest).

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor apogee
1. The apogee maneuver 1B is the test of the engine.
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2. of apogee irreversibly in the human project very much
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3. the apogee of that idea when both Rudy Guiliani and George Bush and countless others got up
In Cheap We Trust _ Lauren Weber _ Talks at Google
4. the very apogee of his expedition on the surface of the moon sustained only by this beautifully
Spacesuit - Fashioning Apollo _ Nicholas de Monchaux _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor apogee
1. Cross conceived «Apogee» in the Cross US design studio. «Apogee is a reinterpreted, more romantic classicism than most current interpretations.
2. Bush‘s second term would mark the apogee of social conservatism.
3. The apogee came in July at the Group of Eight summit in St.
4. The invasion of Iraq was the apogee of New Labour spin.
5. At their apogee, then, American conservatives are looking down in alarm and despondency.